Plants are living beings that add color to a room, illuminate it, add exoticism and even infuse it with fresh essences. During the day, through photosynthesis, they help renew the air by absorbing CO2 and transforming it into oxygen with the help of sunlight. However, when the sun sets, they carry out the reverse process: they breathe, that is, they take oxygen from the air and convert it into CO2, a gas that is harmful to humans. But in what proportion? Is it dangerous to sleep with plants?

Although for a long time there has been a myth that sharing a bedroom with one or more potted plants was harmful, nowadays no one supports that thesis, especially after several studies that show otherwise. During a normal night, anyone can consume between 2 and 3% of the oxygen in an average-size room, while it is estimated that a plant grown in a pot does not reach 0.1%. 

In addition, if we count on the human being or a pet to breathe in oxygen and expire CO2, if the amounts of carbon dioxide that we send into the environment were dangerous, we would run the risk of suffocating just by sharing a room with our partner or with a partner. And, in the same way, unless we turn our bedroom into an exuberant orchard full of vegetation, it can be said that we can sleep peacefully with one or more plants in the bedroom. 

Do plants renew the environment?

For a long time, we have believed that photosynthesis in indoor plants helps purify a room's environment; a study published by the Nature journal reveals that this repair is so tiny, which is almost insignificant. According to the report, plants can remove volatile organic compounds from inside small, closed rooms, although they take many hours and even days to do so. However, the study establishes that the safest option is to open doors and windows and proceed with deep ventilation to achieve a purifying effect. It is estimated that between a hundred and a thousand plants would be needed to achieve the same result.

The study published by the Nature journal does not mean that sleeping with plants does not have beneficial effects for humans, far from it. On the contrary, the tonality and fragrance that some of these plants provide directly influence our state of mind, give us optimism and joy, and, ultimately, help us sleep better.

In addition, some plants help us relax and fight insomnia. These are some of the plants that will help you sleep soundly.

Jasmine. A study collected by the Journal of Biological Chemistry concluded that inhaling the essence of jasmine increased the presence of a chemical called GABA in nerve cells, which contributed to alleviating anxiety and improving the quality of sleep. Together with its beauty, this fact makes it the ideal candidate to share your room every night. 

Lavender. Lavender is another of the essences that most helps us relax. Its scent is one of the best known and used throughout history to induce sleep and reduce anxiety. Research published by the Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience journal found that the smell of linalool, a substance found in lavender, had a relaxing effect on mice similar to that of a powerful benzodiazepine. 

Aloe vera. This plant has been the subject of multiple studies because it has the peculiarity that it expels oxygen during the night, improving the quality of sleep. In addition, it is an easy plant to grow and has healing properties against cuts and stings. 

Pothos. Like Aloe Vera, NASA researchers have historically explored the air-purifying properties of Pothos, concluding that it is effective in absorbing formaldehyde, xylene, and benzene. These substances are fortunately not commonly found in our room. It is also an effective solution to avoid a dry throat. 

Valerian. Valerian has been used for a long time as an infusion to falling asleep, although just by inhaling the aroma of its plant, you will feel a pleasant sensation that will help you fall asleep.

As you can see, sleeping with plants in the same room is not dangerous, but also it can help you increase your level of relaxation and fall asleep. However, to get a restful sleep every night, you must choose the best mattress that best suits your needs.
